Logical & power
Remote I/O unit w.plastic connectors

*All images are for illustrative purposes.
The device acts as multi-purpose remot unit for vehicular MUX system. It provides fully software-configurable I/O and comprehensive diagnostic.
The device recognizes its position in the vehicle architecture and loads the correct software using a wired configuration input.
- CANBUS communication
- HS/LS Outputs up to 30 A
- HS/LS Digital inputs
- Analog inputs (0-5 Vdc and 0-32 Vdc)
- Full software-configurable I/O
- Diagnostic on every connection
- Contained and robust plastic enclosure
- Input voltage: 18/32 Vdc
- J1939-standard CANBus
- 30+ Digital output
- 20+ Digital input
- Operative temp. -30/+85 °C
- IP67 protection
- MIL-STD-1275E
- MIL-STD-461F